Are you longing to deepen your femininity, show up in your own blend of Goddess Confidence and ooze your sensuality inside and out?
I can help you really connect with your true inner self in a whole new titillating kind of way. One that runs deep through your soul.
We both know you are ready to live FULL OUT while maintaining the softness of still being a woman.
I will hold space for you, support you, and nurture you into the sexy, beautiful, powerful woman you are ready to step into.
It is no accident that you have landed here. I know how to help you live fully in love with your powerful feminine self, and begin today to live the life of your dreams.
Email me now for an appointment at
“I’ve enjoyed tremendously working with Oceana. She is so present and insightful and has been of monumental aid to me in following my path of joy. She has a gift of intensive listening skills which enables her to track where I am, and is excellent at suggesting proactive ideas for me to utilize that propel me into significant, deep progress. As a life coach, I have worked and trained with many other life coaches. Oceana is, in all respects, one of the best that I have come across. She is definitely a life coach for life coaches and any one else who would like to soar into their dreams. I highly recommend her.”
~Isis Maria Cohen, Spiritual Coach and Healer