Divine Feminine Power 101
If you’re ready for to step into in your feminine power and sensuality, read on…
You’re a sweet, thoughtful, loving person. You’ve worked so hard in your life to take care of those you love, raising kids, making sure your bills are paid and creating a loving home, volunteering whenever you can, being a good friend…
and you’re noticing about now that you’re not feeling so sexy or fulfilled. What’s up with that?!
Maybe you…
- have dreams you’ve wanted for a long time and are done waiting for them to come true
- sacrifice your own time and energy in order to make sure that others have what they want
- can’t bear to inconvenience anyone, so you keep your needs tucked away where they won’t bother anyone
- are scared that life is passing you by
- are feeling tired, dusty, and bored
- want a soulful, sexy relationship -with yourself! and others!
- desire to turn an old, worn out relationship into a powerful, sexy union
I know these feelings, because I’ve lived them.
About now, you’ve had it with living mousy, quiet and small. You want bright. You want joyful. You want big, and want yours. In short, you want more-
And you want it in a fun, magic way. And you know what? You deserve all of this. And more.
You deserve the life of your dreams, no matter what that looks like for you.
It’s for you if you desire to…
* feel alive and vibrant again
* ignite your inner sensuality and radiance
* use your sensuality to magnetize ALL your desires
* attract your desires like bees to honey
* revive your sex life and light a sensual fire under it
* be a modern goddess who has her way with the world
And what about having the confidence to know beyond the shadow of a doubt
that you’re worth every single thing you desire?!
It would be amazing if you knew how to feel beautiful. Revive your dying sex life, right? Use your feel-good-in-your-body feelings to propel you toward any and every desire you have, from magnetizing the career of your dreams to finally attracting the man you long for. From making your every day fun and vibrant to rebooting a lackluster relationship.
What is it that those women who seem to attract anything they desire have?
How do they light up a room the way they do? What is that special something that makes life exciting, passionate, and lit?
I have one thing to say to you:
You can be one of
those women.
Yes, you can.
The Confident Goddess Online Course was designed for you.
It’s a 4 week teleseries that meets once a week for a group call with powerful, juicy teachings that will bring you on a love affair of personal power, magnetism, self-confidence, and magical skills.
Each week you’ll receive:
*powerful transmissions
*potent magick spells
*metaphysical power tools
*charisma infusions
*secrets of the courtesans
*confidence boosting practices
The Confident Goddess assignments are designed to shake up your status quo with juiciness, joy, fun and witchy magic. Each week you’ll receive a new magic spell, ritual, or ancient spiritual practice that will catapult your unique process and attract your deepest desires.
Week 1: Meeting Your Inner Goddess
Sensuality As Your Superpower
This module shows you how to connect deeply with your sensuality to access your innate divine feminine power. You’ll learn the keys to the secret feminine manifestation practices that have been hidden for hundreds of years.
Week 2: Falling In Love
Knowing your Immense Worth
Hone your skills while you learn the subtle dance of masculine heroic push and feminine heroine pull dynamics. Gain clarity on what raises your confidence with tried and true, practical techniques. Raise your sword in self love and step toward the union.
Week 3: Getting Engaged
Feminine Potency
You’ve been primed with powerful resources and tools, and it’s time to step in. This week will set the tone for your full divine potential to shine forth. We’re entering the garden to superfuel your desires now, and mastering higher level practices. Are you ready?
Week 4: Marriage Made In Pleasure
Rituals for the Goddess
The final week we enter into Divine Union with understanding vows, past and present. The garden is cultivated, and we tend to the landscape of eternity. Here, you receive a permanent guide and the courage to carry on with a new walk, a new talk, and the radiance you have always longed for. You become the legend.
I already know I want this. Let’s do it!
You will:
- know how to turn on your powerful magnetic sensuality at will
- connect with the part of you that is infinite, sovereign, and magnificently worthy
- locate and grow your innate manifestation power using sensuality and feminine wiles
- have tools that will serve you the rest of your life that bring you back to yourself, your power, your divinity, and your sensual birthright.
- join a tribe of women who are juicy and fun—and powerful champions for your success
- receive divinely feminine rituals, and spells
Dates: to be announced
Place: Your favorite nesting place with zoom
I can’t wait to see you there and support you to be, live, and love your life as the goddess you were meant to be!
If you’re still not sure and would like some support to determine if this course is right for you, don’t hesitate to EMAIL ME HERE.