Goddess Reiki Trainings
I’m holding a small, private Goddess Reiki 1&2 level one day workshop on April 14th in Central Ma.
Men and women will benefit greatly from this type of Reiki that has been downloaded directly to me for these times.
If interested, I have 2 spots left.
You’ll have an unusual opportunity to be attuned to both levels simultaneously, and be immersed in a very different type of Reiki training.
I do not teach Reiki like anyone else out there.
People who are attuned by me often experience an awakening that opens more of their psychic awareness, propels their life forward into more alignment with their purpose, and brings them into a deeper experience of the divine feminine.
When you leave, you’ll be tuned up and lit up, and prepared to practice on yourself, on others, and long distance.
You’ll also learn how to connect directly with guidance in a way that makes every healing session you do unique and tailored to your client’s presenting challenges.
Date: April 14, 2019
Time: 10 AM-6 PM
Cost: $250
Materials included.
Goddess Circle
Our Goddess Circle every month is a powerful ritual with a new face of the Goddess! One month it may be Hecate, another Aphrodite, another Isis, and so on…
Mark your calendar for the third Friday of each month. Registration closes 48 hours before the event.
Each month women and men gather monthly to learn about a new goddess archetype!
We’ll perform either spell work or a guided journey of transformation working with the specific Goddess of the month.
We’re healing the Divine Feminine energy in each of us, and empowering the Feminine to rise into harmony with the masculine in our times.
Women who desire to step into their full Goddess energy, and men who desire to honor the Divine Feminine within themselves as well as outside of themselves are all welcome to attend. LGBTQIA friendly.
Wear comfortable clothes, bring:
*a journal and pen
* water bottle
*cushion for comfort (We have straight back chairs available, or floor sitting is optional)
*Snack or finger food to share, or beverage
We end the evening with light snacks for grounding and great conversation with old and new friends in community.
Please message Oceana if you have any questions…goddessoceana@gmail.com (Please put Goddess Circle in the subject line).
Registration is necessary to save your place.
Goddess Circle Dates for 2019
Date Time Event
Mar. 15 7-9:45pm Goddess Circle with Brigid
Apr. 19 ” Goddess Circle with Ostara
May: 17 ” Goddess Circle with Hathor
June 14 ” Goddess Circle with Kwan Yin
July 19 ” Goddess Circle with Isis
Aug. 16 ” Goddess Circle with Sekhmet
Sept. 13 ” Goddess Circle with Morrigan
Oct. 18 ” Goddess Circle with Hecate
Nov. 15 ” Goddess Circle with Freya
Dec. 15 ” Goddess Circle with Hestia
To save your space, you must pay in advance, as number of participants is limited.
Registration closes 48 hours before event every month.
“Participating in the Goddess Circle with Oceana was powerful, healing and fun!
She is an inspired leader, a powerful woman, full of compassion, wisdom, and love.
Oceana did a great job of creating a safe space in which we could all be our unique selves
and learn from and appreciate one another.
It was a safe, sacred space in which each one of us could share what was on our hearts and minds. It was nourishing to be surrounded by and do this work in the company of other women.
We did some powerful work tougher, but we laughed a lot, too!
I left feeling stronger, lighter, more powerful, and like I had a whole new bunch of friends.”
~ Sarah. L
Manifest Your Fabulous Relationship Online Program
A month long program following the four phases of the Moon!
We harness the energy of the Moon in each of her phases to empower the specific big desire you have, and catalyze it into manifestation.
Does your love life suck lately? Do you want to attract your Soul Mate?
Is your relationship dusty and unfulfilling? Would you like to infuse it with some sparkle and romance?
Are you wading waist high in unpaid bills and ready to choke up the hairball of scarcity? Would you like to know how to conjure some cash?
Are you suffering in a situation that feels hopeless? Is your chutzpah on hold? Do you have a burning question you’re good and ready to hear the answer to?
Join us for the program where we’ll get down with the nitty gritty, hot mess of it and shine light on the main plumbing problem. You’ll leave with real, workable, sexy tools that get the job well underway.
If you’ve wanted to work with me, now is your opportunity. The beauty of group coaching is that we learn from everyone’s questions and find answers we hadn’t expected, gifts we couldn’t imagine, and an energy of support to inspire and propel us forward lovingly.
Come to the party with your favorite tea in the comfort of your own home. Experience expert, master level coaching and channeled spiritual guidance from someone who’s been a catalyst for changing lives for over 30 years.
In this program you receive:
Four Group Coaching Calls
Recordings to listen to at your leisure
Weekly Lesson with fun, potent action steps
Spells to conjure your desires as you co~create with the Universe
Facebook Community of Sister Goddesses for support, connection, and interaction.
The participation is revolving, and so we welcome you to join us at any time for four weeks duration.
Confident Goddess Online Course
4 Week Online Course that teaches you:
- How to ground firmly into your self~worth so that you naturally attract better experiences
- A potent, sensual ritual that gives you a sexy glow and beautiful aura
- Ancient yogic practice to powerfully attract your deepest desires
- Manifestation techniques for personal magnetism mojo
- How to boost your pleasure, and ramp up your sex appeal
- The sexy secret no one tells you about Law of Attraction
Dates: to be announced
Recordings Available, late registration is possible! You won’t miss out if you start late, as all materials are available.
Join us for a powerfully sacred and enriching experience as we learn the practice of using sound, breath, and intention to align ourselves with our inner truth.
What can chanting do for you?
*You’ll learn about Sanskrit, the ancient spiritual language, and find out first-hand how you can heal your life with it.
*Clear up situations that are keeping you from having the life you want
*Reduce stress
*Attract soul mates
*Be more prosperous in all areas
These are only a few of the powerful results of chanting!
We’ll be engaging in an intensive chanting experience, followed by deep meditation. Beginners and advanced practitioners welcome!
Date: To Be Announced
Important***Please bring a cushion to sit on, your own water bottle, wear comfortable clothes, and bring mala beads (108) if you have them. If not, you’ll be able to order a set to keep.
Couples Closer Connection Workshop
A full day workshop for you to arouse desire, passion, and romance in your life with a partner, lover, or future lover!
* Gift yourself with renewed desire, intimacy, and sacred love
* Learn ancient arts of spiritually imbued love
* Find out how to create sacred temple space anywhere
* Experience new ways to communicate to deepen connection
* Learn secret yogic breathing rituals for expanded bliss.
* Explore a new level of loving liberation with your Beloved
This is a fully clothed workshop held in a fun, safe environment where you will learn techniques you can continue to practice at home.
Dates to Be Announced
1o:00-5:00 PM
“Oceana is an amazing and inspiring coach and facilitator. She brings passion, courage and wisdom to her work in a playful, gentle yet empowering way. If you want to learn and grow in a safe, supportive and enjoyable environment, attend one of her events. You will not be disappointed!” ~Sandy E.
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