You’re Interested In A Magickal Sisterhood?
GoddessCraft Circle Mystery School is the premiere sacred space where you can come home to a friendly and supportive environment while easily learning all things magick, witchy, and abundant.
Immerse yourself in honing your manifestation badassery within the context of spiritual growth the divine feminine way, mastering mindset, money, relationship and goddess level confidence.
There are a variety of programs offered consecutively inside the membership, so the doors only open when a new program begins.
Everything offered is precisely tailored to the women present at any given time, so it is ever-evolving, while also a unique fit just for you.
This is not a cookie cutter, automated program where you’re left alone, hoping you can somehow squeeze your flowing feminine creativity into a disciplined, structured, do-it-yourself waste of money. I say this because so many times I’ve found myself in situations where I’ve registered for a do-it-yourself program and I don’t get through more than a lesson or two. It’s too dry for me, personally.
So I’ve created this with others like me in mind.
Every other week you can bask in sacred space with your sisters on a group call filled with support, celebration, Q & A, and group coaching!
Short, live teaching videos happen regularly, and they’re available for whenever you desire to watch them.
So much magickal goodness is revealed!
Topics can include but aren’t limited to:
*how to perform rituals
*feng shui magick
*gems, herbs, and brews, and how to use them for powerful magick
*growing your confidence
*sensuality and power
*glamour magick
*foundational mysteries of the witch
*money, abundance, and prosperity mojo to call in whatever you desire
*relationship juju that will transform you forever
*shamanic journeys to access your inner wisdom, and the spirit guides that are there to help you
*archetypes and how to use them for empowerment
*tantrika secrets for sensuality and healing
*crystal grid healing and how to do it
*mindset shifting (this is key) to eradicate limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in endless loops
*manifesting mastery for real with individual support
*moon phases, basic astrology as it pertains to manifesting with the moon
*spellcrafting with sigils, candle magick and cord magick
*poppet magick for empowering your desires
*hermetic principles and laws of prosperity to strengthen your foundational knowledge
*tools of magick and how to consecrate them, empower them, and supercharge your magick
*protection magick
*soul realignment with the chakras so your personal growth soars
*guided meditations to ramp up your beautiful life and your confidence
*alchemy, real deal transformation for anything and everything you want
*patron goddess studies to empower your divine feminine energy
*ancestral work that connects you to a lineage of unsurpassed support
*psychic development with tarot cards
*Wheel of the Year Rhythms to sync up with the healing power of Mother Nature
*And…who knows? Maybe you’ll ask to learn something in the realm of magick, manifesting, or relationships and I’ll offer that, too.
*****Included in your membership is a discount for one on one private coaching with me should you desire that as well. This is worth more than the program itself, as I offer a limited number of spaces for private clients and reserve the rest for my group members.
If you’d like to ask some questions, email me at with “GCC Inquiry” in the subject line.
Frequently Asked Questions:
When is the call?
Our call is every other Monday evening from 8:00pm-9pm EST. on Zoom. (occasionally we go a little longer).
We often have Q&A time, group coaching, and time to share in community.
What if I miss the call? You’ll still be inside the group where everyone is sharing and where I post new videos and lots of info.
If you can’t make it to any group calls, you’ll miss out on some deep level sisterhood that is where a lot of the juice is. Missing occasionally is totally okay, but the calls are a big part of the experience.
You’ll have access to the recorded live teaching videos for as long as you’re a member, but the group aspect is not recorded, for everyone’s privacy.
That said, making time in our schedules for receiving support and love inside of a sisterhood is an empowering act that is as crucial as air.
The stunning results of a raised level of oxytocin, stress relief, encouragement, fun, and community has dynamic effects on one’s life.
Are there written materials?
We have a facebook group where various materials are posted, women share their process and cheer each other on, and the more energy you give, the more you receive.
Materials are also emailed to you as we move through the seasons together.
How long is this membership training?
The training is ongoing, with courses within the membership.
Doors are open only a few times a year, though, so it’s best to be on the waiting list to be notified of when they’re opening up if you don’t want to have to wait months to get in.
How much is it?
It’s a $125 monthly subscription.
Are there any requirements?
I require women to join for three months minimum so as to keep the container a safe sacred space for women to share openly without feeling that people are popping in and out of the group every month.
After that, you can stay as long as you desire, or leave when you want to. Just let me know you want to leave and I will stop your subscription for you.
Many women have stayed for three years or more, and go deeper into the mysteries each year.
I wanted to offer intensive training that is oriented towards the feminine, and truly addresses the individual challenges that come up that can cork up the most determined practitioner. This kind of adepthood takes time and attention.
About how it rolls:
It’s based in oracular work and energy transmissions, and I download from Spirit as we go.
This has proven to be exactly on target.
GCCMS is organic and cyclical.
We’re probably not a good fit for someone who likes a very tight agenda…unless they want to break free from that mindset and learn to flow in a more feminine way.
Magickal training is not an express, drive-through experience.
It’s a lifetime journey, and is unique to each and every person that undertakes it.
It’s not for the faint of heart and requires dedication, commitment, and a deep desire for it.
However, we love to have fun! And we do!
This isn’t a dry, academic experience. It’s flowing, feminine, feisty at times, and wonderfully alive.
Sometimes magick is a calling that comes out of an inner curiosity, awakened in this lifetime from other lifetimes as a witch, shaman, magickian, yogi, or dedicated spiritual path of some kind.
Other times, it’s a sudden recognition and knowing of where one belongs.
However, when you’re attracted to witchcraft, you can pretty much assume this is not your first lifetime with it.
With this in mind, GoddessCraft Circle is a space where each woman can undertake her profound soul evolution inside the safe and supportive circle, with the guidance of someone who’s spent lifetimes as a high priestess.
It’s important to me that I empower you to connect deeply with your own inner guidance, liberating you into your own unique soul’s path.
About Me, like who am I anyway?
I’m a High Priestess in three lineages of witchcraft, and currently a High Priestess with the Temple of Witchcraft in Salem, N.H.
(See more below).
The comprehensive and rigorous training for the Temple of Witchcraft position takes seven years, and is known as one of the finest in the world to date.
For 37 years, I’ve facilitated transformational groups teaching people metaphysics, prosperity principles, yoga, meditation, chanting, and both eastern and western tantra.
I’ve created many programs, created Goddess Circles, and have mentored women worldwide to lead their own Red Tents and Goddess Circles.
I’m a spiritual mentor for women leaders with a focus on mindset and manifesting desires having to do with money, relationships, and confidence.
Fun Fact:
UMass Medical School brought me in to train emerging physicians in how to understand and communicate with their patients on the delicate topic of intimacy and the various challenges they might encounter.
**** So, if you think you want to join us but are on the fence due to some fear or reservations I can help you with, I’m happy to answer more questions.
If you have questions, feel free to email me at with “GCC Inquiry” in the subject line.
If this is not for you, I will happily offer resources and referrals, as I want to see all women thriving in the spaces that are best for them.
Some of my list of credentials include:
High Priestess, Temple of Witchcraft in Salem, NH
Second Degree High Priestess with Laurie Cabot
Priestess Path Leadership Program
Trained Shaman in a Siberian Lineage
Shamanic Training with The Foundation for Shamanic Studies
Spirit Medium trained with the Spiritualist Church
Psychometrist trained with the Spiritualist Church
Healer trained with the Spiritualist Church
Yogic Tantrika and Vowed Bodhisattva
Certified Tantra Teacher in the lineage of Margot Anand
Relationship Intimacy Consultant
Yoga Teacher Trainer E-RYT 200
Bachelor of Music Degree, Berklee College of Music
Women’s Leadership Mentor
Red Tent Temples Worldwide Co-Pioneer
Red Tent Documentary Movie
Reiki Master Teacher Trainer
Creator of Goddess Reiki
Author: Goddess Reiki Manual
Feng Shui Teacher
Spiritual Response Therapist
Sacred Depths Master Coach
Full Spectrum Chakra and Sound Healer
Shadow Work Facilitator Training
EFT Certified Practitioner (Emotional Freedom Techniques)
Certified NLP Practitioner
Co-Author of:
Feminine Spiritual Trailblazers by Jan Revell
Proceed With Love with Jeff Brown and ALisa Starkweather
Certified Herbalist
Certified European Aromatherapist
Goldwell International Professional Trainer for New England
Licensed Cosmetologist and Master Colorist
Relationship Expert
School of Womanly Arts Graduate, BSG Mentorship Leader 2010